Development Showcase
Here is just a sample of the many customizations dynamicsGenie has developed for our customers to improve the performance of Dynamics GP, increased automation, and enhanced business processes, all to maximize their investment in Dynamics GP!
Scheduled Sales Order Allocation…
Dynamics GP’s inventory allocation doesn’t provide for any automation. Inventory either gets allocated as the sales order line is entered, or it can be manually allocated by order or using the Sales Auto Order Allocation Window.
We designed Scheduled Sales Order Allocation to meet the allocation requirements of just about anyone. The rules for priority are customized on a “per installation” basis and can include sophisticated, nested rules utilizing any fields in GP and any logic that is required.
Problem – GP’s allocation rules are simplistic and manual. This results in inventory being needlessly tied up and resources inefficiently used.
Solution – Scheduled Order Allocation can contain any sophisticated allocation rule that a customer needs. It is scheduled, running in the background, and requires no user interaction. The result is increased fill rates, more inventory turns, and efficient use of resources.